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Hi! Am so glad you took the time to stop by my page. I love to talk about WORSHIP, WOMEN & MARRIAGE. I hope you find the thoughts I share interesting. Please don't fail to let me know your thoughts on them and give me your comments.

Never forget this! Life is short and should be lived to its fullest. The best way to do this is to put your life in the hands of Christ Jesus and walk with Him all the way.

God bless you and yours!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


One of Nigeria’s Worship Leaders and Anointed Woman of God Pastor Chinelo Dillimono releases a New Single Titled BLESSED BE GOD from her upcoming album EXALTING JESUS! This delectable Port Harcourt based Psalmist and Songwriter with an unquestionably strong Soprano voice known for her worship ministry which spans almost 3 decades and whose heart and vision is to see Jesus glorified in ALL things releases this soul uplifting, worship stirring song that will rouse  your heart to worship and lift your hands to the one  who is God Alone!  Let the worship begin and let the Church say BLESSED BE GOD!!


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Saturday, September 3, 2016

NEW SINGLE by Pst Chinelo Dillimono


Dropping September 8, 2016

From time to time, a phrase drops in your Spirit to praise the LORD with! From PRAISE THE LORD to HALLELUYAH to HOSANNA and recently I find myself everytime the 'baby' in my womb leaps for joy, I shout BLESSED BE GOD!!! I pray this new song coming on September 8th will bless you and cause you to lift up your hands to the Eternal One saying or better still shouting BLESSED BE GOD!!
My prayer is that you will lift up your heart and hands to Jehovah!! He's worthy

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Master's Worship (Part 4)

Worship and love are interwoven. Worship can only be pronounced on the outside when it is deepened on the inside. Worship is an attitude; therefore the sacrifices are no longer dire. Are you a worshipper of God yourself as a worship leader?   Is worship leading a ministry for you or is it a self-motivated task?

The Tent of Meeting in the Old Covenant signified the place of the presence of God. It was the place of communing with God.  Moses and Aaron were unable to be a blessing to the people of Israel ordinarily but we see here that after they went in they came out full of God’s spirit and presence and were able to bless the people.  The scripture did not end there.  It says “and the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people”.

To lead in worship is to take God’s people to a place where they will experience the glory of God and be filled with His awesome presence.  However, just like Moses and Aaron there is an entering in that the Leader must do.  Oftentimes, it is assumed that to lead worship, one learns as many songs as possible, understands the technique of putting songs together and puts on some superficial boldness that is far from being dependent on the spirit of God but rather rests completely in the flesh.  Far more than that, leading in worship is a spiritual duty that can only be effective if dependent on God’s spirit to guide as we lead His people to worship Him.  We must recognize that worship is a journey.  There is a destination.  Otherwise we would end up being an actual representation of a ‘noisy gong and clanging cymbal’. We would go through the motions and yet have no reckoning with heaven neither would there be an impact on the lives of the people. 

As seen in the scripture in Leviticus, Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting to commune with God.  The very first step in preparing to lead worship is to commune with the Lord, seek His face through His Word and His Spirit to know His mind.  Our God is a God of the now and always has a word, a direction and an instruction for every moment and hour.  When we seek His face, He directs our spirits to His intention and desire for that moment.  Let’s take for instance, in the last service probably you began the worship session with a particular song, the fact that the congregation was greatly moved as you raised the song does not mean that for the next service, the same song would be sung.  Probably God’s idea for the next service would be that the people should start by lifting up holy hands and blessing His name in the spirit.  Our past experience is not a yardstick for the present.  God, His Word and His Spirit are the yardstick for our every experience with Him. 
When there is an entering into God’s presence and a sincere seeking that we might do His will and fulfill His purpose, it is inevitable that God Himself would meet us, for every one that asks receives, everyone that seeks finds and everyone that knocks receives an open door. (Matt 7:7).  We like Moses and Aaron would come out and become a blessing to God’s people.  It is a common adage that ‘You cannot give what you do not have’.

God’s Vessel Of Honour
In a large house there are articles
not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay;
some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 
If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument
 for noble purposes, made  holy, useful to the Master
 and prepared to do any good work. 
Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness,  faith, love and peace along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
2Tim 2:20-22
One of the missing ingredients though not non-existent in the Church today, are true vessels of honor.  There are so many in the ministry of the LORD yet how many are truly honorable vessels in the hands of the Master?  From scripture, we understand that God reaches men through men.  We are His ambassadors created unto good works that he had prepared in advance for us to do.  We are His and created for His pleasure.  Although each one of us is a vessel not all vessels are accorded the same honor.  There are vessels of gold, silver, wood and clay as seen in the scripture.  We discover that there are two basic types of vessels – Vessels for Noble purposes and Vessels for Ignoble purposes.  There are vessels that bring joy to the Master and vessels that dishonor Him.  However, it is the believer that determines what kind of vessel he is.  It is the responsibility of the believer to present himself unto God as a vessel of gold, silver, wood or clay.  Whatever he presents, that is what he would be regarded as.

Glory be to God for further on in that scripture, the Bible says that “If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master…”.  As leaders of worship, we must cleanse ourselves of everything that would make us vessels for ignoble purposes. One of the greatest dynamics of leading in worship is availing and presenting ourselves as vessels of honor unto the LORD. ...to be continued

Many Blessings!!

(c) Chinelo Dillimono 2016
Follow on Twitter: @chinelodilimono

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Master's Worship (Part 3)

In the words of Internationally known speaker Myles Munroe, “When the purpose of a thing is not known; abuse is inevitable”   When we understand the reason why we worship I believe we would apply ourselves to the worship of God in a whole new way.  Value is added to living when worship is applied to living.  The ability to experience outstanding impact in your walk with God is to have outstanding heart towards Him, His people and His Kingdom.

God is to be worshipped primarily because He is Sovereign. His Sovereignty alone demands that He ought to be worshipped. All things that are and will ever be proceed from Him. Nothing is that could ever have been nor can be without Him.  Everything that is, seen or unseen is sustained as we speak by the power of His Word.  His awesomeness demands that He ought to be worshipped. 

Another reason why we worship Him is because of His holiness.  God is holy!  He is righteous!  There is no darkness in Him at all.  When we come into His presence, His holiness compels you to bow before Him.  Not in condemnation or humiliation but in awe of His Majesty.  In wonderment of who God is.  Contact with His person will elicit a shout of wonder.  As is said in colloquial terms “God is too much”.

We worship Him because we are created as objects of worship.  Man is not complete without a life of worship.  Worship is the true breather for man. We stand in the fullness of our purpose when we become worshippers.  Worship is the answer to man’s search and quest. It is the main piece of man’s life’s puzzle.  There is a longing in every heart that becomes quenched.  When we worship we are transformed into the image we see on the mount of worship (discussed in later chapter). Worship is our life.  It is our lifeline.  There is a hunger, a thirst, a quest in the life of every man that can only be satisfied when we abandon all else and bow at his feet. 

A song writer said
Down at your feet oh LORD
Is the most high place 
In your presence LORD
I seek your face
There is no higher calling
No greater honor
Than to bow and kneel before your throne
I’m amazed at your glory
Embraced by your mercy Oh LORD
I LIVE to worship you

Wow! What words!  The most high place of everyone of us is DOWN at His feet!  It’s our life.  It’s what we were created for. ...to be continued

God Bless you
(c) Chinelo Dillimono 2016
Follow on Twitter: @chinelodilimono

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Master's Worship (Part 2)

In his book “Worshipping God – Rediscovering the Full Dimension of Worship”, R. T. Kendall quotes George Watson to have said two levels of worship attainable are Gratitude and Excellence.  Worship of God at the level of gratitude is worship in thanksgiving for His loving kindness, favour and mercy towards us.  Worship at the level of excellence on the other hand means to worship Him for His transcendent glory; for His magnificence. 
In true worship, the triune entity of man; spirit, soul and body are involved.  Worship is in two facets: Physical and Spiritual. It releases an outpouring of great wisdom that enhances creativity and productivity. With consistent worship, low capacity and low prosperity will be completely eradicated. Heart application is a necessity in worship expression.

Worship is a reflection of your heart’s attitude; it produces a high effect in the life of the worshipper when it flows from a clean spirit.  Signs, miracles, grace, empowerment, boldness endowments and dominion become your take away pack even in excesses. True worship is an addictive involvement that expedites God’s action. Stephen was an intense worshipper whose depth of love for Christ elicited Jesus standing up from His throne even though the Bible declares that when He ascended He was ‘seated’ at the right hand of the Father. (Acts 7:55)

What about the worship that shakes heaven? It will require a level of secret and public involvement of your heart to produce the kind of worship that can shake heaven. When your heart and life become a living sacrifice, which is your spiritual act of worship, then your worship has taken the divine tone that moves the heavens.

In true worship, the totality of our being is filled with awe and wonder and like the Psalmist we declare “Bless the LORD oh my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name”

In the words of A. W. Tozer, worship means to “feel in the heart”.  In other words, worship is a heart posture. Tempo and solemnity do not define worship. Worship that is not felt in the heart cannot be worship because worship is an expression of the stirrings of the heart of the worshipper towards God.  Going through the forms of worship without any impact on the heart is not worship at all. ...to be continued

Jesus Be Exalted!!

(c) Chinelo Dillimono 2016
Follow on Twitter: @chinelodilimono

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Master's Worship (Part 1)

God is a God of purpose. He never does anything without an original intent.  God created worship to achieve something, to promote and enhance change. Its sole purpose is to give Him pleasure. Have you wondered what God’s pleasure is?

He is God of all and above all and desires reverence and adoration to be given solely to Him by His creatures. Nevertheless, what is worship? Why do we worship? How do we worship? Why do we go through weeks and weeks of gathering together to worship God? Does worship have any lasting effect or impact on the worshiper?  Is worship about us or about Him? What was God’s original intention for creating worship? It must have been of great importance to Him to have created a being – Lucifer, solely for giving Him worship. God selected a whole tribe, the tribe of Levi for the assignment of creating worship in the Temple and attending to the vessels and place of worship.

Why does God demand sole worship?
“I am the LORD your God,…You shall have no other gods before me…You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God,…
Ex 20:2-5
God is one. He is Sovereign and has sovereign rulership and authority over all creation. All things were made for His pleasure.
 “Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory, honor and power,

for thou hast created all thingsand for thy pleasure they are and were created
Rev 4:11 [KJV]
 From the Old to the New Testaments, it is obvious that God’s desire from the foundation of the world and His original intention for the creation of man is that man should give Him pleasure; spirit, soul and body.

God created man so that man could know Him and love Him. Worship flows from a love relationship with God. It’s all about loving God. All relationships are based on trust. In worship you step out and trust what God has said about Himself and His ways.

Imagine a man taking a walk into a supermarket to buy a piece of antique just to give him pleasure. He might as well have purchased something else but rather having the power of choice, chooses a particular piece for his pleasure.  In like manner, God says in Gen 1:26 “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness…”  God made a divine choice to create man. Gen 2:7.  In other words, man is God’s instrument to whom He gave the power of choice.  God created man to give Him worship. Worship thrills God. It has great significance with God.

From the beginning of time, worship has been paramount in the heart of God. Little wonder King Solomon in his entire quest, as seen in the Book of Ecclesiastes, discovered that the whole duty of man, in all his earthly endeavors, is to fear God and worship Him. ...to be continued


(c) Chinelo Dillimono
Follow on Twitter: @chinelodilimono

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