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Never forget this! Life is short and should be lived to its fullest. The best way to do this is to put your life in the hands of Christ Jesus and walk with Him all the way.

God bless you and yours!

Friday, November 22, 2019


Fasting season is around the corner and many will join the fray. Great as it is and definitely a spiritual exercise we all should engage in (I certainly will join), am just thinking,

How about us all fasting for 7days/14days/21days/40days/90days from
-Speaking guile against another human
-Being a religious Pharisee or Sadducee
-Gossiping about anyone in particular
-Criticizing things we don't understand
-Tearing down other people because we don't agree with their point of view
-Posting anything on social media that has the potential to hurt someone else
-Selfishness of any sort and seek to do good to those who don't deserve it. 
-Cheating, Pretences and all forms of hypocrisy and so much more.
How about putting on our true garment of RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE & JOY in the Holy Ghost? How about loving our neighbors and those who despitefully use us? How about deliberately and intentionally deciding to do good to someone who'd never   pay back! Hmmmm! How about that kind of fast in addition to the regular one we do all the time?

How about showing a little more kindness in our world in everyway we can? That kind of fast would be something, don't you think?



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