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Hi! Am so glad you took the time to stop by my page. I love to talk about WORSHIP, WOMEN & MARRIAGE. I hope you find the thoughts I share interesting. Please don't fail to let me know your thoughts on them and give me your comments.

Never forget this! Life is short and should be lived to its fullest. The best way to do this is to put your life in the hands of Christ Jesus and walk with Him all the way.

God bless you and yours!

Monday, October 21, 2019


Do you want a Book that will inspire your Worship Ministry?  One that will encourage every Lead Worshipper in the Church as we take God’s people to that spot where they encounter the God of all Grace?

WORSHIP AT HIS FEET is a book that will equip, encourage and motivate worship leaders as they lead God’s people to the most high place, down at His Feet!

It's filled with simple, Powerful principles on scriptural worship and how to give and lead acceptable worship in today's Church.

The Church has seen the signs, wonders and various acts and miracles of  God. There is yet a generation of people coming whose sole desire and focus would be to know the LORD in the place of worship. As we lift up our hearts  and the fruit of our lips giving praise to the name of the LORD of Hosts, we would begin to experience the glory of the Lord God.

The new move of the Spirit of God in the 21st Century is an
outburst of true and pure praise and worship of God
...Chinelo Dillimono


Available also on AMAZON

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